Where and in which format View State information stored in a webpage in asp.net


View state data stored in which format.

where is view state information stored (server or client)?

View state data is stored in the client side(Webpage) in the form of a hidden control(HTML hidden field) named “__VIEWSTATE” and View State Data is stored in Base64 String encoded format which can be further decoded.

Viewstate life cycle explanation :

All data stored in viewstate serialize and encode into base64 format at the time of rendering of page and converted into slandered hidden field (i.e ) with a specific name called __VIEWSTATE you can see it just open page source in browser and find for __VIEWSTATE, further at the time of post back asp.net decode , desalinize this hidden field and converts it back to viewstate object in a event called loadviewstate which fire just after page init.

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