reading multivalued cookies in javascript

Below is the three example that read cookies through javascript all of the code is for different-different purpose first of them read singlevalued and multivalued cookies just by passing name of the cookies, second one is for reading by multivalued cookies by key name just by passing cookies name and key name it returns the value of that particular key and third one is for search key name in all of the cookies present in website no matter what is the name of cookies it returns first matched value of that particular key.

if you any cookies named demo in your website then it will render like this in browser demo=username=vivek&password=abc@123

if you have another cookies named demo1 then document.cookies return like this
demo=username=vivek&password=vivek@123; demo1=username=rohit&password=rohit@123

so we have to do some string manipulation in order to get cookies value below is the code sample. 

Get SingleValued Cookies Value -

    function getCookie(cookieName) {
        var allcookie_value = document.cookie;
        var cookie_start = allcookie_value.indexOf(" " + cookieName + "=");
        if (cookie_start == -1) {
            cookie_start = allcookie_value.indexOf(cookieName + "=");

        var cookie_value;
        if (cookie_start == -1) {
            cookie_value = null;
        else {
            cookie_start = allcookie_value.indexOf("=", cookie_start) + 1;
            var cookie_end = allcookie_value.indexOf(";", cookie_start);
            if (cookie_end == -1) {
                cookie_end = allcookie_value.length;
            cookie_value = unescape(allcookie_value.substring(cookie_start, cookie_end));
        return cookie_value;


Get MultiValued Cookies Value -

    function getMultiCookie(cookieName, keyName) {
        var keyName = keyName + "=";
        var cookieValue = getCookie(cookieName);
        if (cookieValue.indexOf(keyName) > -1) {
            var keyValue = cookieValue;
            if (keyValue.indexOf('&') > -1)
                keyValue = keyValue.substring(0, keyValue.indexOf('&'));
            return keyValue.substring(keyName.length, keyValue.length);

        return null;
    function getCookie(cookieName) {
        var allcookie_value = document.cookie;
        var cookie_start = allcookie_value.indexOf(" " + cookieName + "=");
        if (cookie_start == -1) {
            cookie_start = allcookie_value.indexOf(cookieName + "=");

        var cookie_value;
        if (cookie_start == -1) {
            cookie_value = null;
        else {
            cookie_start = allcookie_value.indexOf("=", cookie_start) + 1;
            var cookie_end = allcookie_value.indexOf(";", cookie_start);
            if (cookie_end == -1) {
                cookie_end = allcookie_value.length;
            cookie_value = unescape(allcookie_value.substring(cookie_start, cookie_end));
        return cookie_value;

Get first match of key value of multivalued cookies in all of the browser cookies collection for a particular website -

    function getMultiCookie_SearchInAll(keyName) {
        var keyName = keyName + "=";
        var cookiesAarry = document.cookie.split(';');
        for (var i = 0; i < cookiesAarry.length; i++) {
            var cookieValue = cookiesAarry[i];
            while (cookieValue.charAt(0) == ' ') cookieValue = cookieValue.substring(1, cookieValue.length);
            if (cookieValue.indexOf(keyName) > 0) {
                var keyValue = cookieValue.substring(cookieValue.indexOf(keyName), cookieValue.length);
                if (keyValue.indexOf('&') > 0)
                    keyValue = keyValue.substring(0, keyValue.indexOf('&'));
                return keyValue.substring(keyName.length, keyValue.length);

        return null;

reading multivalued cookies in javascript demo
Cookies Demo

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