Calling server function on fileupload text change in
How to Post a page to server on fieupload path change by client in
Here is a code for doing postback when u click on browse button of a file upload and choose a file then
Page posted to the server through linkbutton refrence and server involk the linkbutton_click event and you can
upload your file at linkbutton click event.
//****************Code of .Aspx File**************
<asp:LinkButton ID="lblAddMore" runat="server" OnClick="lblAddMore_Click"> </asp:LinkButton>
//****************Code of CS File**************
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string jscript = "function FileUploadPostBack(){" + ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(lblAddMore.UniqueID, "") + "};";
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Key", jscript, true);
protected void lblAddMore_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (fu.HasFile)
//Upload your file here.